The one-man show, Synsanoko Studios, producer of flash comics.

Chester Kwan @omegafinal

Age 39, Male


Joined on 6/11/03

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omegafinal's News

Posted by omegafinal - March 20th, 2012

After releasing CC:Totally BS! Episode 3, the next project I originally planned on working on is a nine-part Cyberangel series, remaking all those one shots into a complete story. But then a contest caught my eye: it's for Nightwish's "The Crow, The Owl and The Dove", make a music video and the winners will have their submissions featured on the band's Youtube page among other prizes. Most of them are filmed, but some people like myself are animating it. It'll be uploaded onto my Youtube page first, but I'll upload a version here right after, since it's done in Flash.

Oh yeah, also a mini-episode of Turned-A Totally BS! was released on Pi Day. Dunno when a "true" episode one will be released.

Until then.

Posted by omegafinal - February 14th, 2012

...on February 17.

Given the Valentine's Day theme and the fifth year anniversary, and the fact that it's about 90% complete, it's time to release it. I quietly shelved this episode originally, because it just dragged too long, and from the get go, you already knew what happened. But stranger things have happened, like I hated how the original Totally BS! looked, yet it won an award. But then again, it was slow on that particular day. Also I guess you want to see if the suspect gets convicted or not.

I'm reworking the audio balance, auditions for Turned-A Totally BS! has been reopened for another two weeks due to what's going on in my life. That's about it.

Until then!

ADD-ON: Unfortunately, I know I'm late, but it'll be out within a few days. I've been busy over the weekend, and life hasn't been treating me well.

Posted by omegafinal - February 13th, 2012

Feburary 17, 2007. The very first Totally BS! episode was released, it was also my first award as well. So being delusional and selfish, I whipped up a sequel that never got released,The Act of Cosplay: Totally BS! 2 (Or TBS2: Convention Rumble). Then I made it into a random webcomic with the title Re: Totally BS!, but there are so many inside jokes that it just isn't funny at all. Although to be honest, the original sucked, graphically, and I've thought about remaking it, although not sure if I want to reuse the same voice clips or redub it, because three out of the four original cast members were replaced.

On October in the same year, and going by the email prefix theme, FWD: Totally BS! came out, and established the defining chibi art style, with its mouthless, "line eyed", stub armed look. I really liked it, because quite frankly, it's cute, I don't want to change it. That incarnation later got the subtitle "The Girl Gamers" when the actual cast of the series was established and went on for a few more episodes with a fifth episode finale that never got released along with a lost episode set sometime before the second episode.

After a lot of hurdles and bumps, I've helped Rina-chan animate one of her Haruhi Suzumiya fan-audiodrama, which got released on April 2008, although I made the stupid decision of renaming it That's Totally BS, Haruhi Suzumiya!, and I thought about remaking it and more input from Rina-chan, but it fell through, because it was bombed with multiple negative reviews that it isn't worth it. Also, with the new Newgrounds update, she can now reply to the reviews here now, since she wrote the story, she should have the ability to.

That's Totally BS! later would see three other episodes based on Lucky Star and Team Fortress 2, which was geared towards the RIT Anime Club. I'll admit that the Team Fortress 2 episode was downright terrible for a lot of reasons, and there are time where I want to make a better episode for either that or reuse the character and put them in any of Valve's multiplayer games, like Left 4 Dead in like a VR environment.

Because the Team Fortress episode sucked, I didn't want to end it on a bad note, so that's how The Fallout [3] of That's Totally BS! came about, which was also based on my own experiences of moronic incidents in the game. It's a success and I'm happy that a lot of people liked it. And sorry, there won't be a New Vegas episode, because I haven't had the time to play it. I own it on Steam thanks to a holiday sale (and a free TF2 item), but my computer doesn't have the power to run it smoothly, so that would sully the experience.

There is one thing common in the That's Totally BS! series, and that is Yuki Nagato and the Skunk's appearance, so I decided to make Absolute BS!, which is a Doctor Who-style fan series where she and some companions travel through different worlds. It failed.

Finally, one last series, CC: Totally BS!, only two episodes released on September and October of 2009. Featuring the daughter of Satan and her boyfriend, which ultimately would've ended with the two getting married if I went on with the series. I've used a mixture of both "realistic" hand drawn art and the usual TBS chibis, which I think gave it There's a shelved third episode, which would've came out on Valentine's Day 2010, with an unproduced fourth and fifth episode, which would've dealt with their marriage. The sad thing about the third episode is that's about 90% complete and it kept missing the Valentine's Day or Week due to whatever the hell happened.

I also scripted up something called !Totally BS: The Fault is Yours (Pronounced "Not Totally BS") on November 2010 with a January 2011 release, which is actually a drama and based on how bad my previous job totally fucked up Project TRITEN, which is the second Cyberangel series I tried starting up, but failed. It would've symbolically explained my frustrations with my job and how it affected my creativity. I'm glad that I canceled this. But yeah, I hated that job to the point of making a script, and if it got finished, forwarded to the higher ups as an "F. U.". Didn't even want to put that job in my resume too (it's more or less written in very small print.). There was also a NaNoWriMo project I tried making based on it, but I was laid off from the company, so the anger I had all pent up is gone, and the entire project collapsed, thankfully.

What's next for the series coming on its fifth anniversary? Well, I'm making FWDTBS2: The H.A.T. Trick, two episodes actually, based on a news article about some Jedi-wannabe causing trouble at Toys R Us and a video where some father shot up her laptop all because of a Facebook post. And there's Turned-A Totally BS!: The Spotlight is Yours, which I'm making right now and hope to release by the end of the month. After all of that is done, a nine-part Cyberangel project.

Until then.

Posted by omegafinal - February 9th, 2012

Okay, what do I think of the redesign. Overall, I like it. One thing I was afraid that the team would do is make every all minimalistic, the title art and logo all simplistic and all that. Thankfully that is not the case.

One thing I really like is the Project Manager, which already has proven itself useful. Already got a couple of projects all lined up and thrown up there, just need the .SWF and it's there. I also like that other people involved in the project can now actually reply to reviews and not just the person who uploaded it. Also, notifications, thank you.

Downsides? The links to the submissions are too dependent on images. Let's say someone told you to watch X, which got front paged. You'd have to rollover each of the images to show the title. Of course the other options are using the search or just look at the Classic Portal. All the other elements are mainly just first time jitters and just have to get accustom to it.

What I want to see next? Improved or added? Well, I miss having a banner above my page, and I think that making our own wall art would add some extra personality and all that. Maybe also the ability to change the colors of the buttons and headers. Audio got green, Art has pink, etc, etc. But I already know that's just saying too much, so I'll stop there.

Until then!

Posted by omegafinal - November 13th, 2011

On Friday, ll/ll/ll: The Lithium Sisters has been released.

Although I still have explain a couple of things. Literally about 70% of the visual work was done on the last day up to about 11:50PM EST. The reason is my job, and during the production timeline, I was quite busy to the point of exhaustion. But was then laid off on the production's final day. A double edged sword seeing now I don't have a source of income, yet I got all this time now.

There is a lack of voice acting this time around, because of what's happening in real life, but rest assured, there's going to be a director's cut, which will be dubbed, and with my usual extras like Director's Notes. Typically there's always something wrong with these "three of a kind" dated projects like on 10/10/10 and 9/9/09, but I judge it only on my performance since I know what I'm doing, and not what the voice actors are. Wording's weird, but in a sense I'm responsible for everything.

In best to worst I'd say...
1. 9/9/09: CC: TotallyBS!: Episode One: The 999 Incident
A predictable joke involving a very incompetent Satan, but I thought I executed pretty well. This has the least amount of flaws.

2. 7/7/07: Synsanoko Trailers
Yeah, my second best is a set of trailers, and ones I originally thought I'd make. I just like the slot machine motif. Even though I thought it's as good as CC:TBS01, just the fact this is a set of trailers bumped it down.

3. 11/11/11: ll/ll/ll: The Lithium Sisters
Despite the lack of voice acting, it's coherent with its core story. But there are cut scenes that would've helped illustrate the "Last Binary" bit, and missing some bits between Luma leaving and Maybelline arriving that also referenced this whole "fifth anniversary" thing. This will get a Director's cut release.

4. 8/8/08: Digital Task Force Cyberangel 888
I think this was my first Henshin Heroes release, and the first to use lines instead of fills. It's a setup episode. The rushed production did hurt it.

5. 10/10/10: The Triten Incident: Cyberangel X Fragel
Dear god, this thing is an abomination. This piece of work, or trash, fell victim to my new job, and on deaf ears as to the scale I wanted this to be. There were missing symbols in the scenes as well, which made it incomprehensible.

6. 6/6/06: MaidRouser CAPTIVATE
All I did is take my first game and replace the soundtrack with an English version of that Numa Numa song I found as a joke. Basically, there wasn't any effort put in it. It was also severely unbalanced as well. I know I did a similar thing to Lovely Revy, but at least I placed in some missing scenes and rebalanced gameplay.

So what's in store for 12/12/12? Well the theme is "death", and since two years ago, this is going to end the Cyberangel series if everything went well. Of course it didn't, so I'm remaking the entire series into a planned three-part series for Cyberangel with a overarching storyline. Depending on how the story flows and/or timing, I might break it up into three smaller parts like a "Limited Series" run (so nine parts total) and make it feel like a comic book series you'd buy in a store. That's a little less than a year for its first release, so yeah. Also, I'll fulfill my promise of releasing Director's Cut versions of 888 and Triten, even though they'll be remakes.

I'm also learning on how to use Blender, Unreal Development Kit, and Unity. Maybe I'll remake Lovely Revy using one of the two.

In the meantime, a script for Zelda next month and job hunting. Until then.

Posted by omegafinal - June 15th, 2011

The Rebalanced Cut of Lovely Revy: Episode Zero is out now.

My next project is going to be something for Robot Day. Some of you might remember my submission, which is a generic killer robot rampage called "Defect", and it's inspired by the movie Crank. Don't know how I'll approach it, but I'm thinking about a vertical shooter/slasher, we'll see.

After that, I'll get going on Episode One of Lovely Revy with a new cast of characters (aka the remainder of the team), and some new code...like the jumping. The one I'm using is very functional, but that "bounce" does get annoying.

Stream of thought ending.
Until then.

Posted by omegafinal - May 12th, 2011


It has been five years since I've uploaded my first real flash submission here on Newgrounds, so I made a new game, which is the first time I've actually submitted a game in about five year (well 4.7 years or something). I'm planning on the first revision to be released on June 6, which is the fifth anniversary of my second submission.

So yeah, even though it's a "beta" and all that, don't be afraid to speak your mind about what you thought about it, what I need to improve on and all that, here or in the review. Actually, I think that "This is a work in progress" bit that I placed on the front scared a good chunk of people away, so I removed that part. Thought that it would make people speak their mind more freely, but I guess I was wrong.

I'll be continuing my work on this, and hopefully release another Totally BS! installment by the end of the year.

Until then!

Posted by omegafinal - April 3rd, 2011

(Been a long time since something "actual" I was involved in released. Last time was...Dec 31, 2009? I'm not counting the two in 2010, they are nothing but trailers and concept vids.)

First off, the flash version of a project I was a part of has been released here some time last week, late news I know. Unlike my other projects, Billy Bubbles has a Simpsons/Futurama art direction, which was done at the director's request. If you want to comment about the art, you are welcome to comment here since I cannot reply to reviews (because I'm not the one who uploaded the submission.).

Right now, I'm developing a flash game for the first time in almost five years. I wish I could overhaul everything, but going to be more of a "mod" in order to make the May 11 deadline, which marks the fifth year of me working on Flash projects in a serious manner*. (I blame my job, which includes operating a humidity oven.) Dubbed Project BALROG, which is stands for the absurd title "Battle Assister Lightning Revy ~Over Gemini~". It's inspired by games like Megaman and Castlevania, and mix in some Marvel vs Capcom and a couple of other games. Over at PAX East, I showed the project to Tom Fulp and that boost my morale. Lugging my 8-10 laptop all around the convention was worth it, although getting a Macbook Air is rather tempting after the con.

I'll be expanding on the assist system and special attacks from the last game I made, also hopefully add in some "limited" regenerative health and actual enemies to fight (one of the reasons why I stopped making games for so long is because I lost the damn file that has enemy generation and some cool enemy designs, and was thus devastated to the point of quitting. Yeah, my old self was relatively very whiny).

Against my better judgement, because I though it comes off as egotistical and wanting attention for myself. Here's a picture from PAX East showing that I showed Tom some of the assets for the game I am working on.

*The project in 2005 was a school project originally done in Macromedia Director MX 2004 and was ported to Flash, so I don't count it.

Project BALROG and collaborative project release

Posted by omegafinal - January 12th, 2011

Well it's my fifth year of making flash vids using the name "Synsanoko Flash Works", so might as well post up some projects I plan of releasing for 2011!

1 - Absolute BS!: Scanty and Kneesocks VS Stocking
I'll admit, this project came out of the blue for me. I marathoned the anime series Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt on Crunchyroll, and was Gainex'd as expected (although the shock of what happened in that last minute was pretty big.). then watched some Marvel vs. Capcom 3 vids, got some ideas, so might as well.

2 - Grimmtale Guardians Mirangel: Lunar Eclipse
After a couple of years of planning, unexpectedly getting a full time job in a place I didn't even like has forced me to just to say "Fuck this, no more holiday specials in 2011, get this done." All I can say is that the script for episode one is being polished.

3 - The TRITEN Incident
>>>WATCH 10/10/10 BUILD<<<
Originally suppose to be released on October 10, 2010 in FULL, but due to the job I had, getting down on my hands and knees organizing cables in those..."gray coffins" as I call it, forced me to split it into parts, and even then, I didn't make it. I hope to get this done this year.

4 - The Last Binary
Set to be released on November 11, 2011. Just saying that I got something for this special date. All I can say is that it's a story of a girl and superbeing.

Posted by omegafinal - October 18th, 2010

1: Triten News
2. CC: Totally BS! Issue 3 News
3. Mirangel 10/31

Well I've released TRITEN in its WiP form last week, and like always I'm surprised by the results despite the small number I'm working with, but at least it's something. In terms of the score, I would've expected something like a 2.5, but I guess if it scored a 3.5 or something at the time of judgement, then the final complete version would score something like a 4.2. Personally, I would like to see this get done, and if people like it, I'm happy; if people hate it, I want to know why so I can improve on it next time. Although for TRITEN, that's going to be tough since I plan on finishing all three episodes at once and release them weekly, notes for next time. As for the final product, this is what I'm going to add to the final product in terms of effects.

Comic and Gaming HUD overlays
The comic part is obvious with the white frame outlines seen on the pop outs, but I'm also planning on adding in comic sound effects as well. Although since it's going to be fully voiced with audio sound effects, I don't think I'll add it to every single damn SFX.

Since a part of the series will take place in a Tron-like cyberspace world, it'll act like a videogame for the most part. For example, Aya's an FPS or TPS freak, so she'll active reload her gun like in Gears of War and have regenerative shielding, Cassidy's an RPG gamer, so she'll allocate her skill points in real time and select magical skills via a menu. Betas is an RTS gamer and she can direct units to venture off on their own or have them assist Aya and Cassidy. She's the only one who prefers not to be jacked in online. I'm taking Darwinia and Multiwinia as a basis. I could say Natural Selection, but I haven't played its Commander Mode. As for the HUD overlay, they'll switch between the three depending on who is being focused on at the moment.

Lens Flare and Henshin
I'll admit, I like the lens flares in Star Trek XI, but only in the Bridge scenes, it felt fitting for the most part. I'm hoping to create something similar in the cyberspace segments.

In the Henshin sequence I've put up in the WiP version, I've recreated the transporter effect used in the movie for the most part (hence why I'm bunching it here.). But I'm going to adding in elements of what I originally wanted, such as being assembled like a bunch of Tetris blocks as opposed to just being plopped in. Also, that's a long shot, so I don't know how it'll hold up if I would to do closer shot.

If you've watched it, leave a review, maybe your comment and suggestion can help me improve on the overall project.

CC: Totally BS! Issue 3 News
Originally I was suppose to release this on Valentine's Day 2010, so I'm going to do a Top 5 style thing on why it's still not released yet.

5. Sometimes life called and you just have to take care of it, like what happened to one of the voice actors.

4. I was working on another video for someone. It's almost done.

3. Style change. With the amount of time passed, both the TBS Chibi and my usual anime style has changed, so for the most part I'll have to remake most of the video, like reanimate the joints in the Chibis and change all the eyes in the usual anime segments.

2. My job. Man, do I hate it. Manufacturing is maybe the last thing you should work in if you want to become an artist, especially second shift. It's extremely tiring work, especially if your group have to build hundreds of some heavy box by the end of the year. Even though my weekends are golden, it's like taking a loan for energy points during the weekdays, and Saturdays are usually spent paying it back leaving Sunday as the day where I can actually do some work.

1. I'm not that happy with how the case is presented, such as some evidence I should've added in and stuff like that. Maybe it's that I wanted it to be big or something.

When will it be out. I don't know. Maybe I'll work on it in November along side with TRITEN so I won't get burnt out.

Mirangel 10/31
Simply put, it's still on track. So here's a pic.

That is all.

TRITEN, CCTBS 03, Mirangel 1031