The one-man show, Synsanoko Studios, producer of flash comics.

Chester Kwan @omegafinal

Age 39, Male


Joined on 6/11/03

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Lithium Sisters release (and looking back on past XX/XX/XX projects)

Posted by omegafinal - November 13th, 2011

On Friday, ll/ll/ll: The Lithium Sisters has been released.

Although I still have explain a couple of things. Literally about 70% of the visual work was done on the last day up to about 11:50PM EST. The reason is my job, and during the production timeline, I was quite busy to the point of exhaustion. But was then laid off on the production's final day. A double edged sword seeing now I don't have a source of income, yet I got all this time now.

There is a lack of voice acting this time around, because of what's happening in real life, but rest assured, there's going to be a director's cut, which will be dubbed, and with my usual extras like Director's Notes. Typically there's always something wrong with these "three of a kind" dated projects like on 10/10/10 and 9/9/09, but I judge it only on my performance since I know what I'm doing, and not what the voice actors are. Wording's weird, but in a sense I'm responsible for everything.

In best to worst I'd say...
1. 9/9/09: CC: TotallyBS!: Episode One: The 999 Incident
A predictable joke involving a very incompetent Satan, but I thought I executed pretty well. This has the least amount of flaws.

2. 7/7/07: Synsanoko Trailers
Yeah, my second best is a set of trailers, and ones I originally thought I'd make. I just like the slot machine motif. Even though I thought it's as good as CC:TBS01, just the fact this is a set of trailers bumped it down.

3. 11/11/11: ll/ll/ll: The Lithium Sisters
Despite the lack of voice acting, it's coherent with its core story. But there are cut scenes that would've helped illustrate the "Last Binary" bit, and missing some bits between Luma leaving and Maybelline arriving that also referenced this whole "fifth anniversary" thing. This will get a Director's cut release.

4. 8/8/08: Digital Task Force Cyberangel 888
I think this was my first Henshin Heroes release, and the first to use lines instead of fills. It's a setup episode. The rushed production did hurt it.

5. 10/10/10: The Triten Incident: Cyberangel X Fragel
Dear god, this thing is an abomination. This piece of work, or trash, fell victim to my new job, and on deaf ears as to the scale I wanted this to be. There were missing symbols in the scenes as well, which made it incomprehensible.

6. 6/6/06: MaidRouser CAPTIVATE
All I did is take my first game and replace the soundtrack with an English version of that Numa Numa song I found as a joke. Basically, there wasn't any effort put in it. It was also severely unbalanced as well. I know I did a similar thing to Lovely Revy, but at least I placed in some missing scenes and rebalanced gameplay.

So what's in store for 12/12/12? Well the theme is "death", and since two years ago, this is going to end the Cyberangel series if everything went well. Of course it didn't, so I'm remaking the entire series into a planned three-part series for Cyberangel with a overarching storyline. Depending on how the story flows and/or timing, I might break it up into three smaller parts like a "Limited Series" run (so nine parts total) and make it feel like a comic book series you'd buy in a store. That's a little less than a year for its first release, so yeah. Also, I'll fulfill my promise of releasing Director's Cut versions of 888 and Triten, even though they'll be remakes.

I'm also learning on how to use Blender, Unreal Development Kit, and Unity. Maybe I'll remake Lovely Revy using one of the two.

In the meantime, a script for Zelda next month and job hunting. Until then.


Despite being part of the Lithium Sisters and having a biased opinion, I know that what you did was incredible for practically two days. The lacking voices makes me a bit saddened because I worked hard on it and the other voice actresses did a pretty dang good job too. You did great! Thanks for this. Believe me, it was fun, so good luck for the 12/12/12 project!

I can definitely say that I don't want to do that again, throwing in that amount of work in that short of time. And I am sorry about removing the voices, because I like what I heard.

Don't worry about it, I'll be releasing it again with voices hopefully by the end of the year, there are a lot of things I want to add to it, and I didn't mean to reuse that much material as well. lol

I can say that these girls will appear in Mirangel in some capacity. And I will work hard on 12/12/12!

I've also cleared up a bit of the post, because I do want it to be voiced, and sorry for the confusion.

If anyone would willingly torture themselves like that, they may be masochists or something...so I'm glad you're not ^^. I know you did what you had to, so don't worry. I. Under. Stand. :D

That's great that you'll bring all of the voices and everything together, so I'll look forward to that. We both know you barely had time to put the animations together...so take your time now =P. No one's rushing your bum!

I was a bit confused when I saw it like that, but I quickly found out the circumstances. Soo.....WOOHOO, GO GET 'EM, TIGER!