YukiDaKitty: CC Totally BS! 3
The next installment slated for a Valentine's Week release. The story here is based on the fact that people can actually die from broken hearts and turning it into a murder trial. Somewhat of a retread on the very first Totally BS! installment, but it's the execution of the subject that matters, even though the story's ending is quite obvious.
Digital Executor Cyberangel TRITEN
Slated to be released on October 10, 2010, I think I'm the only one that has made videos using these kinds of dates as a basis for the videos. I'll admit the one for 6/6/06 sucked, 7/7/07 was serviceable, 8/8/08 was left unfinished, 9/9/09 was amusing, 10/10/10...a failure? Reminds me of the Star Trek movie syndrome where the evens are good and the odds are bad (looks like it's broken with JJ Abrams's installment).
Unlike Cyberangel 888, I'm keeping this to one single episode, try not to make it too big. Just because the sequel is slated for a Valentine's Week 2011 release.
Grimmtale MS Mirangel
I honestly don't know when this is going to released, the script is mostly done, but the comic part is not. I'm going to work on this after CC: Totally BS! 3 is complete.
FWD: Totally BS!: The Girl Gamers 5
Due to the lack of personal interest, it's been canned. It's a shame, since about 65% of the animation is complete. But this is based on a single joke about Mountain Dew being changed to "MTN Dew" and how it can confuse someone who is stupid or not familiar with the changes.
One of the things I might do with this is putting it in compilation flash, all five episodes in one flash video, retouch on the graphics, etc, when I feel like it.
The Legacy of Zelda: DestiRi Link Casters
I personally would like to continue this, since I already got the entire story mapped out and there's even an projected episode count. But I consider Mirangel as my more important series, maybe I could alternate between them, but that's it.
Until then!