Well it's been a long while since I've updated this.
Right now, I'm working on the second episode of CC: Totally BS!, which is also going to the first that'll have SynSav roles, which are reserved for novice AVAs. The expected release date for this is by the end of the month.
Absolute BS! is officially cancelled, because my interest in it has diminished.
That's Totally BS, Haruhi Suzumiya is planned to be remade as Haruhi Suzumiya: Aliens and Fanservice: Original Mix. All references to the Totally BS! series is removed, and the srt execution is going to be similar to what's shown in CC: Totally BS!. The audio will be the same, but outputted to a highly quality. As an extra inspired by Monkey Island: Special Edition, I'll include the the That's Totally BS! version as well, and you can switch between the two version seamlessly. Like I said, this is just only in the planning stages, so things will change.